Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Meeting 14th March 2007

Some of the issues that we discussed were

a) CALL frustrations
  • labs - tools not working eg. mikes
  • labs - students can't access podcasts live
  • labs - software problems - message reading "over run #48" and then software closes
  • labs - length of time to access internet sites such as Flickr
  • support for Bbd - not enough hours, don't tend to respond
  • students logins - names, dates of birth, enrollment/payment issues
  • classrooms - sound not working eg. mp3 files in Bbd

If you have concerns about any of these or others ie. specific glitches that make you grind your teeth, add a comment to this posting or email Karen who is intending to forward something to the appropriate people...

b) concern with varying knowledge levels - we have tech gurus and tech pygmies in our ranks (NB. it was the self-professed latter who were concerned!) Discussed the osmotic process and also 'legitimate peripheral participation' in relation to CoPs (had to get this in somewhere!)

c) we want to share stuff that works - please keep checking this blog for Adon and Dave's additions in this area - website and datashow tips. Jan has already added several useful bits.

d) Adon talked about his learning experiences on a master's paper in online and flexible learning

e) Karen briefly mentioned Flickr (put images on internet and then do activities with your class with them) and Bloglines (an aggregator ie. place to pull all your RSS feeds together). Add a comment below if you'd like a hands-on session on either of these sometime.

Next meeting - after Easter break - 2nd May (Wed again but after that we'll go for a different time for those who are missing)

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