Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Invited to join the blog?

If you have just joined this blog, then please feel free to add a posting. This is the point of joining ie. that you can have an equal say in the blog. A simple posting might be to tell us what you would like to see happen in the CALL CoP or what time your preference for meeting might be.

If you decide to start your own blog for a different purpose, let me know the address so that I can add it to our sidebar and people in the CALL CoP can read it.

Of course, you could just add comments to this posting if you preferred, but anyone can do that.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

2007 CoP initiative

We met along with other teachers in SLS to discuss the concepts of communities of practice (Thurs 15 Feb) and to meet in our smaller CALL group to discuss where we're going this year (Thurs 22 Feb).

The CALL group felt that the purpose for our group being is to explore the potential for CALL in our school. As a community we will grow further purposes and scope organically as we meet, talk and share practice. As individuals we all come from different contexts and with different needs - some interest was discussed in using Blackboard and blogs more/differently.

We intend to meet approximately twice a term on Friday afternoons. Probably at 1 pm, although still waiting for some members to confirm this. Next meeting to be 16th March.

We agreed that we would all bring something to the next meeting to share.
Like what?
Something that excites you!
Like chocolate cake?
Well if you like, but we're a community of CALL practice, so...

Something you've done recently in CALL that worked!
Something you'd like to try!
Something you've seen!

See you there...

CALL CoP 2006

We met several times last year, with different people present each time.

Focus was on getting to know what other people do CALL-wise.
This included
  • Howard's demo of Hot Potatoes and how he uses them
  • Mel explaining Radio Shark
  • Adon talking about PDAs and their potential
  • CALL resources in SLS list ( I have this if anyone would like it)
Also discussed
  • the normalisation of CALL in general, in our school
  • the potential of e-learning